Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Great Accomplishments in Protest Land

Right or wrong, what exactly are the protests “against the Iraq war” (against confronting the terrorist insurgents) accomplishing? What can they potentially accomplish?

Let’s say the protestors are right. Let’s say it was wrong to have removed Saddam Hussein and his Baath party from power. Let’s go even further and say that Bush and coalition partners just wanted to get oil, help Halliburton, and impose America’s evil system of constitutional government on the happy Iraqis who lived under the Baath party’s national socialist police state (I thought the left didn’t like Nazis?).

At this point, what will happen if America, Britain, et al. just decide to; “bring our troops home?” Duh…

…Anyone who thinks that things after such a scenario would be just wonderful, or at least “better than they are now,” is either really stupid or actively sympathizes with totalitarian ideology and its results (I’m gonna guess both).

Of course it’s nice to say one is “opposed to war” (whether one is actually sincere in such proclamations or not. I'm guessing that protests might not be as fervent if, for example, China invades and imposes an authoritarian communist government on Taiwan) but, the violence occurring in Iraq at present is because several extremely aggressive authoritarian sects do not want Iraq to have a free society. This part of the equation isn’t some debatable opinion; it’s fact, as things now stand. One can whine that Bush started it all (even though the U.S. congress and British parliament agreed to the same course of action), that Saddam should have been given more time to not comply with U.N. resolutions, or that Bush is evil…whatever. The situation in Iraq -- now -- is one of moderate democratic factions trying to establish a -- relatively -- free and open society while confronting non-democratic factions that want to establish (re-establish) cruel oppressive tyranny.

It’s certainly not pleasant when a police officer is placed in a high crime area and risks death at the hands of criminals. Soldiers’ dying in a much larger scale confrontation is certainly no less tragic. None the less, on both scales, there are criminals, and there are, fortunately, people with the will, honor, and discipline to confront them. Those who say, “We shouldn’t have angered criminals. We’re just as bad – or worse – and we should have let them have their way in the first place” are certainly no help to anyone.

Again, realistically...now, what exactly does protesting accomplish for anyone? -- Beyond PR support for the cause of terrorism and violent oppressive authoritarian government?


One of the weirdest phenomena of our time (one which particularly enrages me), is the clear sympathy, support, and alliance of Marxist-Socialists and the minions of Islamic-fascist Jihad – so much for the ideals of “liberation, freedom, and justice” (something socialist extremists never stood for anyway).

An excellent brief summary of the Red/Religious alliance :

“…In the United Kingdom, according to the London Spectator, a steering committee has been organized to coordinate activities of a cooperative effort joining Marxists and other leftists with radical Islamists. The committee consists of 18 from myriad hard-left groups, three from the radical wing of Britain's Labour Party, eight from the ranks of the radical Islamists and four leftist ecologists. ['Looks like Stalin and Hitler have joined up with each other again.]"

"Writes Christopher Chantrill in the American Thinker: ‘The formal coalition between the hard left and the Islamists is a shock. It is difficult to believe that the secular left could really find common cause with religious fundamentalists of any stripe. But we should remember our history. In World War I, progressive souls sympathized with the German effort to humble the capitalist nation of shopkeepers. In World War II, progressives were indifferent to the fate of the European democracies until Hitler invaded the Soviet Union. In World War III, they actively cheered for the Soviets although they denied the right of anyone to complain about it…’"

“‘It makes complete sense that the left’s first act in the 21st century should be to form a coalition with a new anti-Western force. The war against democratic capitalism continues.’ ”

...Enough to make a decent person sick...


Has anyone noticed that, while there continues to be widespread perennial complaint about America’s use of natural resources, the massive and dramatically increasing use of natural resources by China doesn’t seem to bother most critics?


A witty but insightful appraisal regarding where one need be on the political spectrum to get a Nobel Peace Prize.

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